1.9 - Web/Mobile version!

1.9 Changelog

  • There's a web/mobile version now... sort of. Ish. You'll have to run it in-browser. Some stuff is super janky. You're gonna be like... damn, what am I not paying for?! But it should work well enough for now. It's Good Enough For Alpha(TM!).
  • Some changes to the GUI, notably changing some colors and removing the unnecessary audio controls from the menu, since for now, there is no audio and it's kinda goofy/confusing to have them there.

Access the web version here!


IronCompany2024Demo-1.9-win.zip 113 MB
31 days ago
IronCompany2024Demo-1.9-mac.zip 119 MB
31 days ago
IronCompany2024Demo-1.9-linux.tar.bz2 106 MB
31 days ago

Get Iron Company

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