2.0.0 Known Issues + Some Art

A gamedev's work is never done! I introduced some goofs! Will fix when I have time-- so far nothing is game-breaking.

  • looks like i saved over a texture i didn't mean to and now the namebox is weird. minor but very annoying to me personally
  • when Elly says "were you... holding out on me?" the choices that come after it are covered by the text box. still clickable but it kind of implies that they won't be.
  • a few sprites seem to hover juuuuuuuuust above the bottom of the window instead of sitting flush with it... oops. did not notice this until it was possible to turn off the quick menu.

HERE, have some art! When I started making the game, I couldn't draw due to carpal tunnel syndrome... now that I've been in PT for a while I can draw my girl! :)

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